


Farrell, PA


February 13

pickup hum problems

searched high and low and couldn't find an answer so I'm asking here. I have a cbg with a hum problem. It has a single humbucker pickup in it with volume and tone pots 500 K. metal bridge that is grounded. I followed seymour duncan wiring diagram to…

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lawn mower battery power source

Hi all,I want to use a lawn mower battery to run my amps. the power source that came with the amp is rated for 12 volts at 600 Ma. If I send the juice straight from the mower battery into the amp will it toast the amp ? I am looking to run 3 amps…

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small to tall !!

check out my new home built amp below. Will have  to do until someone makes a cigar box that big !! Still gotta build the guts for it yet but the box is done.This is what it looked like before covering.0411002120.jpg

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