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pickup hum problems

searched high and low and couldn't find an answer so I'm asking here. I have a cbg with a hum problem. It has a single humbucker pickup in it with volume and tone pots 500 K. metal bridge that is grounded. I followed seymour duncan wiring diagram to a T and the solder joints are good. It has a low grade hum all the time until I touch anything metal then it quits. I tried shielding the entire inside of the box but it still does it. Very annoying. Whats causing it ? Anyone know a way to shield the wires? could this be where it's coming from? It does it with single coils too. Even took it outside to get away from any electrical interference but it still does it. Even changed pups but did not make a diff. Help !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • Humbuckers that hum?...hmmmm?    If you grounded the tailpiece and the volume/tone pots together along with the frame of

    the jack, and the shield of the humbucker wire is soldered to the back of the  volume pot, it shouldn't be humming.


    Either you have a bad solder joint or the grounding is not quite right.  

    Here's what I would do.  Solder a piece of wire to the frame of the jack (ground lug) and use this to touch the grounded parts

    and see if the hum goes away.   If it does as you touch a specific component, then you need to resolder the ground

    connections to that component.  Pot cases are notorius for have to scrape and tin the back of the pot

    before trying to attach a shield or ground wire.


    If not, maybe you have a bad guitar cord or something in the amp you are using.

  • it sounds like a ground problem ...I had this problem a couple of times and found that I had to solder a ground wire to the back of each pot and the input instead of relying on the ground lugs only.   Hope it works for ya
  • yep same prob

    Skeesix said:

    Have you tried other amps? Cable?

  • Have you tried other amps? Cable?

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