



Fredericksburg, VA


August 5

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  • Hi, this is bo rivers daughter....have u heard from my dad lately
  • thanks for listening...i appreciate it.
  • Thanks! Your build looks sweet. I bought myself a bowl from a resale shop and some bloodwood to make a simplified sitar. I'm having trouble finding a "top" to the bowl though. Maybe a circular cutting board...?
  • Thank you Tres. I heard back from their website. Apparently the lyrics are on the new CD, The Wages. I ordered it the other day. So I should be good to go. Additionally, a studio version is usually easier to understand. Enjoy.
  • Thank you very much.Ive got so many ideas from the site Iam sure people see their ideas in some of my builds.
  • thanks dude i really like this site an i enjoy looking at others CBG my CBG might not be as good as others but i like mine is diffrent i might even be getting a job here soon building them it would be cool well got to go
  • hello Seaver's
    having a bad English (I use google translator)
    good job on your cbg and I like the crazy side of your music
    thank you for your home
  • Thanks Tres, I'm currently building 4 different CBG's and 2 Cajone's. I want to start up an all CBG Band up here in Alaska. I think it will be a real hoot up here in all of the coffee shops and fair venues we have up here. Later ............... Your Great Alaskan Sourdough CBG Band.................. ............
  • Thanks for welcoming me into CBG Nation Tres. I'm starting on my first build already. Really happy to be a part of this.
  • Thanks for the welcome. I am involved in several instrument communities. I love instruments and building them. I have been a luthier for many years. I have worked with wood since I was in my teens. I have played an instrument since I was 5 years old. I don't know if I play any better now than I did then. I do play madolin and fiddle at church each Sunday. I had some folks over today and we ate chili, banana pudding and played music all day. Anyway thanks George
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