Fiddle String Diameter
Alls quiet here but I thought I might stir things up with a question. Does anyone know or know where to find the diameter of fiddle strings. I have been using fishing successfully for sometime now. However I cant get the tones quite right. Thought if I could find out the average diameters of thw strings I could match it better. For now I have been using 50lbs for G, 30lbs for D and A, and either 10 or 8 lbs for E
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Reso cello
I found this relevant CBN blog entry which I thought I'd post the link here for both your and my benefit (as I want to build one some time).
Here's the link: Tips on Building a Cigar Box Violin.
OK I'm slow. I think I just figured out how to put videos on group pages. Let's see if this works.
Thanks to Rand, I hope to contribute here soon!
Hi all, I'm new to this CBN and looking for a place to talk CBF. Looks like there's not much going on here though. Hope I'm wrong. Check out my fiddles on my page.
Somthing Rare. My Cigar box dulcimer fiddle.Somthing Rare.My cigar box dulcimer fiddle.
Hi Jon..Call it up this way under search for items - Fender Squire Strat Neck On A Pinup Girl Custom Made Guitar..If you still can't find it email me and we will go from there..