



Lake City, FL


September 28

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  • Craig, I have had lots of success with the 1 x 4 red oak necks on Ukes. Sometimes I use the through neck design and some I use a bolt on design (so far just on the resonator builds). I normally do use doubled up lumber for the heel as well as a support at 90deg inside the box that overlaps the neck and bolted or screwed in place. I was just curious the same technique would hold up to the tension of 8 strings on a mandolin.

  • thanks for the good advice  what do you think about sound holes like the looks of f holes but i think a large oval hole may have better sound thanks again

  • Thanks for the info Craig, I see you are also in FL. I live in Bradenton. I appreciate the advice but I really enjoy building the necks on my projects. I have been using red oak lately and like it for its sturdiness and finished grain. I was wondering if anyone has tried an 8 string mandolin with a 1 x 4 ( 3/4 x 3-1/2 actual) for the neck. My concern was if the 3/4" red oak would hold up to the tension of the 8 strings without bowing.

    Best regards,
  • Hey Craig, yes i got your CD with 7 lbs of bacon. I love it. Great pickin by mando and guitar and nice plunk on de banjo. Great harmonies and fun tunes. Have fun at Pipestone. I was just down to Minnetonka for my 50th high school reunion. Something like a reinactment. Fun though... Love the waltzes! ... Dave

  • Hey Craig, I'll get a CD in the post very soon. Keep on fiddling around and cooking bacon! ...Dave

  • Thanks for asking Craig. I'd be proud to be your friend. Your excellent work is an inspiration to me. 

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