



Chicago, IL


April 26

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  • 929604449?profile=RESIZE_710x

    Just like to send you this for your colledtion Greeetings A.D.

  • Happy Birthday, Diane!
  • Have a great birthday Chicago :)
  • Hey Diane,


    Long time since I've talked with you.  hope that all is well.  As I close in on retirement (finally, I'm 65 this month), I'm building and playing more.  Maybe I'll have enough time to get to the Chicago fest.  Are you coming down to St. Louis fest this June?  It would be great to see you.


    the best,



  • hello Diane and thank you. i wish i could help you but those are the only pics i've got left (beside the other ones in my page). i never held a real cello in my hands so it is propably very far from the right sizes and scales altought it sounds quite good to me.. 

  • Cool Diane! I would like to see the violin sounds interesting

  • Diane,

    Feeling a little better> I just wanted you to know I did finish building that guitar that I was making for Juanantonio. A service member got it through his wife that I met in an AA meeting.

  • Thanks Diane! i guess it might be easier to make the correct sized box myself rather than a neck and fretboard, will keep you posted how i get on (-:

  • I'm with you 100% on fixing old ones up to put in the hands of folks young and old who have a real desire to play. It's kind of cool that now a few people are aware of what I do and put me in touch with broken instruments for free that I can use for parts or fix up to let others have a chance to play. I don't know if you've seen my cigar box label that I use to replace the Surgeon Gen's warning. Mine says"caution: music has been found to be habit forming and may cure certain forms of illness" It certainly makes the world a better place!

  • Well Diane, most of my other cb fiddles are lacking in the lower register too. This one is special so I'm holding on to it!  If you can take away one or two useful things from a workshop then I think it's worthwhile. Lack of enthusiasm from the "experts" is what I expect nowadays and actually thrive upon. One told me "this isn't bad! you should try to make a real violin" I tried hard not to laugh in his face. There's already too many real violins being mass produced. To paraphrase one of my heroes Pete Seeger - little fiddles made of ticky tacky and they all look/sound just the same.

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