



Springfield, MO

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  • I saw one of the comments you posted on Uncle John’s video and thought “wow, a blast from the past.” I hope this will be a regular occurrence. Welcome back Sam!

  • Welcome back, our aging site picked up some glitches since you’ve been gone, here’s the trick?


  • How to angle back the neck/fretboard and still maintain a flat flush Box lid???

    Merry Christmas

  • Hi Sam,  Thanks for the response.  You can see on my website what folks contact me about.  My current pricing is as follows:  $260 for the basic guitar (my website details what that is).  I charge another $40 for a rosewood or ebony fretboard and another $20 for the sound holes with chrome covers option.  Your price is whatever you determine.

    I only average about 3 -4 guitars a month.  Although I'm sure I could sell more than that but just don't have the time to build them.  I realize that all of our guitars are different and that's terrific.  I'm not looking for someone that builds clones of my guitars, just someone that I can comfortably refer people to who builds something sort of similar to mine.  After all, its the style that I build that prompts folks to get hold of me in the first place.  I'd be wasting everybody's time if I refer them to anyone building guitars from a poplar 1x2 glued to a cigar box.  Please understand, I'm not implying that's what you build or there's anything wrong with them.  But folks inquire about my guitars because they want something other than that.

    I've looked at your page here and like many of your guitars.  Do you have a website?

  • Sam just wanted to tell ya how much I like your song on the new Dylan cd. So out and out COOL! Just an excellent groove and your laid back authentic and o so natural voice. The perfect version if you ask me and one of my favorite trcks on the cd. Really a stand out performance....matt

  • Aha...........I pushed the right button, I wasn't sure......:<)

    It's my pleasure sir, I appreciate the advice. I'm probably going to need much more as time goes by in here. Just waiting on one last order to arrive, pick up a scroll saw and then I should be getting started.

    Unless of course that new St. Blues CBG arrives first and I may have a bit of a conflict of what to pay attention to first.

  • Sam, I hope you are still building and possible selling as I was just trying to send someone your way or at least in the direction of the builders I admire. As A side not, I got to play the banjo I got from you in an independent film made by some friends in Boston. It is called sun catcher. You may be able to find it online somewhere like Vimeo. Not sure how it all turned out but I saw a rough cut and the scene I play it in is all there It is used on 2 songs. Hope you can check it out along the line. Thanks again for your kind words. You do a lot to encourage and advise the new here and that is really valuable. You are really the elder stateman here......matt

  • Thanks Sam, will do!
  • Hi, Sam!  LTNS!  No, I don't think St. Louis is in the cards.  I have a crazy summer of classes for work, and young adult children that still need shuttling around the US for jobs and school.  But I am glad to be building again. Working on a fiddle bridge now for an oooooold violin, and refinishing the top of same.  Coming off a crazy amount of work, but I have a little lull until the summer madness begins.  

    Glad to hear from you and know you are well!


  • Got it Sam ... Thanks for all your help! I'll keep you posted (now if I can just find the time to build again).
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