


Springfield, MO

Minimum tools needed

It's been almost 4 years and 2 moves since my last build.  I have a stick, a box and the various bits and pieces to complete a 3 or 4 string CBG.  Sadly, my shop is no more.  I have a miter saw and an electric hand drill.  What do you think the…

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box bracing

What good are these for? pic. 1 When I first started making CBGs, I only made neck thrus. Since the box rides the neck, there is little to no need to brace the box. Now, I almost exclusively build fender style pocket necks where then neck attaches…

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Wichita Sam

  • Description: A workshop and three concerts....Sept 12th at 1:00 pm at the Winfield Public Library, a workshop on "How to Build" a CBG and the history of the BluesSept 13th at 2:00 pm at the Winfield Public Library, a concert of Stomps, Hollars, Worksongs, the…
  • Created by: Wichita Sam