



Springfield, OR


September 9

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  • Hi Alan,

    I have added a discussion about your Backpack Ukulele in my CBN discussion group "Home Made Resonator Boxes 101". Here is the link to that discussion. Maybe you can add some additional descriptive material to discuss what we see in your photos. I will temporarily raise you're security level in my discussion group so that you can make modifications to this discussion. Please limit your modifications to just this discussion.

    Thank you.



  • An american that likes our warm beer ! how refreshing,,,(unlike the beer) haha, im too old for beer now,it gives me bellyache. so i drink gallons of gin and tonic instead, & whiskey & vodka &........
  • Hey Alan, whats wrong with our food? I need your addy to send you a red cross parcel of, jellied eels, pigs trotters, cow heels, cod cheeks &  spotted dick,mmm, yummy.. eat up buddy :)
  • Hey Alan, I'm not looking for the DaVinci Code, just know some of the movie was filmed in Scottish Church that my daughter visited a couple times and she was all excited about, I know the movie used several other locations for filming though.
  • I like your Uke1. That kind of sound box is one of the kinds of instruments I'd like to build after I have done a few more with home made rectangular boxes. It probably requires steaming wood, so that's another process I'll have to master. I've seen the process described at another web site, but I'd have to dig through my hierarchy of bookmarks to find it again. Other than steaming the wood, it should be an easy box design to build. How was your it for you? I guess you're working on Uke2 now?

  • I'm an HTC/Sprint/Android combo myself - mail and net connectivity has always been good, but speed goes south once in a while if I get too many apps running in the background. Have you been able to get any connectivity with your device ever, or is the problem you're having something that was working and broke?
  • thankyou sooo much alan, I keep hearing that line from a christmas story in my head " you'll put your eye out" so for hers im gonna use the nylon... thanks again..
  • Thank you Alan for your comment. Bill is playing the Highway 61 model made by www.republicguitars.com
    If you decide to purchase one, tell Frank, Keni Lee sent you. He usually gives a nice discount to my referrals. Enjoy.
  • Alan you don't need to "unlearn old practices", you just need to learn new ones. And practice, instinctive shooting works best. Like pointing your finger at a flying fly around the house. Just keep practicing.
  • Hey Alan,
    Have you ever thought that maybe the shotgun doesn't fit you right? or sighted in correctly? Shooting trap isn't the easiest thing to do, but the next time you go,.. just remember this,... "lead and follow through" meaning shoot a little infront of the clay and swing through. My hubby is a hunter for food, not a trophy hunter and he taught me alot. I shot my first wild turkey a few years ago, it weight 23 Lbs.
    Hunter Safty course is a great Idea,.. I highly recommend it to every man, woman and child. Even if they don't hunt, they need to know how to handle any gun weither it's loaded or not. Afer all,... "It's not the Gun that kills,... It's the person behind the gun"!!! Sorry don't mean to sound like a commercial ! LOL
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