



Kinston, NC


September 8

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  • Kenyon -- You could either try another box, or put a pickup in it. I hear ya' though...
  • Howdy, Kenyon! Most of the time, I prefer to use the top of the cigar box, 'cause it's always prettier, and it makes it easier to fit the neck to it. Occasionally, I'll use the bottom of a box that I really want to use, if the bottom "taps" a lot better than the top, i.e., if it just resonates much better when I tap it. I've got a roomful of cigar boxes I'll probably never use because they don't pass the "tap test" on either top or bottom! As for strings, I use regular ball-end guitar strings that I buy individually in the following ranges: 1st: .009-.010/ 2nd: .011-.012/ 3rd: .014-.016/ 4th .020-.024/ 5th: .009-.010

    I think that's "light" to "medium" gauge for banjo strings; but anything in those ranges seems to work fine for me. Just depends on what's available at the music store at the moment, or maybe just the mood I'm in!
  • Alright, NOW I know how to add somebody as a friend! Thanks. As for 6-string necks, I don't know how much advice you need -- you seem to be making pretty good necks! Basically, though, I just try to make a neck that's got the same feel as a regular electric guitar neck, so, a shade over 1 5/8" wide at the nut, about 13/16" thick at the first fret, etc. About the only difference between mine and a normal bolt-on neck is the scale length: I've settled on 23" as being about right for the cigar boxes I use. That, and NO truss rod. Instead, I use only quartersawn hardwoods (mostly cherry) which is stong enough to counteract string tension perfectly. A local supplier has hardwood "turning squares" from which I pick ones that I can cut to be perfectly quartersawn, and get two necks per turning saquare.
  • Kenyon, I'm already listed as a friend on your page ("view all"). 'Sides, I can't seem to get how to invite somebody without having their e-mail address...
  • Hey, Kenyon -- Not sure what you're asking... Looks like you're listed as one of my friends, and I one of yours. Tell you the truth, though, I still have trouble figgerin' out this new-fangled "social media" stuff!
  • Thanks for accepting my friend request. I am finding the CBG more difficult to learn then the 6 string. I would love to chat with you about CBG's and yes maybe we can help each other in some way.
  • Kenyon -- Thanks for the friend invite! Nice work on your instruments, too. I gotta make an amp like yours someday!
  • Hey chief, sorry I was in Atlanta these past few days and busted my laptop so no Internet on the road...

    ... Hmmm I would say about a 500MB flash would be sufficient. You prolly have that or better. I've only sent half that up to divshare.

    HEh, funny you saw them ... or at least recognized them as me but then again, it has Simpsonville on it. Web68 is me on ebay. one is already sold.

  • C8^(|) <-- Homer Simpson in smiley
  • :-)

    no prob. Its a LOT of stuff tho. Good luck.

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