This is the group for homemade instruments that venture out from the standard cigar box guitar.

Post photos of your oil can guitars, broomstick banjos and just whatever you are working on in your shop.

We want to see it!


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  • Just found this group, and I think I just might fit in around here.8676607282?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Andy Stone: I want to do something very similar to your oil can guitar, but I've been scratching my head about how to cut and construct it. Can you give us any idea how you went about it?

  • yep strait through, i was going to put in a tone and volume but i figured i'd keep it simple for the first one.

  • That's a little beauty, Brett! Pickup wired straight into plug?

  • Wow so many great instruments, I wish i would have found this forum before i started but here is my first attempt, i liked the idea of a 3 string practice cigar box guitar but as i started the making process it morphed into a solid body mini me, poplar body, maple neck and walnut fret board. 20" scale, and it plays awesome.5627885885?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • My stupid question... If you use the method where you cut the bottom off the can (or remove the bottom with a can opener), how do you re-attach it? Or, is there just a hole at the bottom when you're done???

  • Thanks AGP, I really appreciate your info.
    I've played around with canjos but I want to go bigger.
  • Yes Greg, I usually just start cutting, I find it best to secure the can so it doesn't move around, and I usually cut the holes a little bit on the tight side, and then file to suit (using the theory that it's easier to make the hole larger than trying to make it smaller).  

    Good Luck! and am looking forward to seeing some pics of your Can builds.

  • Does anybody build three string can guitar that sells them?
  • Thanks AGP, I can do the Dremel!
    Do you drill out corners or just start cutting?
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License plate cbg's revisited

Ok, I am ready to start 4 license plate guitars. I have some boxes ready and the plates. The neck will be for 3 string. The issue here is what pick ups to use. I don't want to cut into any of these plates. It was mentioned that mounting a flat humbucker to the top of the plate is best. I heard some reports about this about poor sound. I also heard the neck mounted piezo was not a great sound either. Can any of you comment on this? Thanks in advance.

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First Build - why did I choose an oil can?!

Well that's what it's going to be, much as a comfy wooden box is sounding like a better plan for a first build. I'm making this for my brothers birthday on 28 March, and then aim to make 2 more also as pressies. So far I have the gallon oil cans and the idea of a dirty amplified slide sound that primarily comes from the acoustics of the can rather than the amp. Beyond that it's an adventure and any help on my way is greatly appreciated! I'm leaning towards a 3 string though a 4 string is also a…

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Construction et al

Hi all, Just about to start my first Oil Can guitar and was looking for some tips on how to connect the neck etc.   Does anyine know of a website to visit or are there any internal shots that you may have.   Much appreciate any help.   Thanks Prof.

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