


Fort Lauderdale, FL

Secrets of the Work Shop

Some of you are very proud of your CBG building skills and accomplishments, and rightly so! Those accomplishments and awesome CBG creations are made with pride and give unresounding joy... With that, the dedication, effort, tools, machinery and the…

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Protecting Finishes the Easy Way

Here's a cheap and easy way to protect the high gloss or any other type of finish on a CBG box - build. Wrap it in Saran Wrap. That's right! It sticks like glue and it keeps the finish from being dinged, marred or scratched up while working on the…

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Using & Making Templates

Making and using templates for items on your CBG build's is quick and easy! Thanks to Brian Romero (Bairfoot Cajun) for this tip... Use light weight cardboard from the case of a soda carton (I use Canada Dry - mixes well with scotch; Brian uses…

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