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  • theshow.jpg

  • Thanks Strolling Tones..

    yeh sounds like i need a back rest, I notice at bri's recent do you wrent uing you falmers. I must admit I am finding it easier with a bass drum and highat set up.

    or a foot snare.. what was ya foot snare bracket that was at Bri's do?

  • Lost Tones

    What stool do you use with your farmer drums?

    As mine seems a bit short, got any recomendations?

    Thanks Bug 


  • 305942240?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • I seen you and Be going on about those harp mic clamps, one of my Achilles heels, I'm intrigued by the first one she listed that clamps up just under the mic screen.

  • Good to meet you, lost Tone. V. interested in what Jerry's on about, count on my support too. Jez
  • Jezz Walker (Longshanks) who played at the open mike night on Friday, plays in a couple of Hastings bands, namely Tea Chest Blues and Wakin Snakes. He would be keen to get something going aswell, lets keep the idea on the back burner and make contact if an opportunity arises. I have had a lot of experience organising gigs and have worked with Hastings Rock producing events for them, I always ready to roll the sleeves up in the name of a good time. all the best, Jerry
  • Hope you didn't mind, thought it should be shared, you were very entertaining. I enjoyed the content of your songs, I think most people were distracted by your impish smile and drum machine to register the content, ha, ha.

    Do you know of any plans to organise a regional event, I think the 'South should Rise' and get something organised, us Hastings lads are always happy to get things organised. Whaddya think?

  • Thought you might enjoy this, I did, regards, Sadletramp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FUNH1nT3Ctg

  • cheers tone, wrecked sound man, really shonky pa, wobbly curtain sider... yeh it was fun:0)
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