



Vidalia, LA


November 26

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  • I have some questions to ask you but it does not look like I can do so until your on my friends list?

  • Hey Smoke,
    I was selling guitars at a Rock n Roll Flea Market in Kingston NY yesterday .
    I started talking to one of the vendors who told me he has a Smoke stack guitar. He was kind enough to go home and get it so I could take it for a spin.
    Bottom line. It was beautifully crafted and played great.
    I've admired ur work for a long time and it was a pleasure to have the opportunity to play one of your guitars
  • Smokey,

    Thanks for the kind words! But seriously, I think the gits are teaching me what they wanna play, and how they wanna be heard. When a song creates itself over a week's time of me noodling around, I know I'm onto something, and it's different for each git. This happened only rarely with my commercial six-bangers, but literally happens whenever I pick up a 3 or 4-stringer, and have a free hour or so. Sooooooo...maybe it's time for us to start talking seriously, as I can only imagine what one of your axes could teach me ;-).
  • Yeah, a loooonnnngg ways from home! But I do get to go home with the family for Christmas this year. Let's talk some after the new year about designing a custom job; I might be able to convince my wife that next year's anniversary gift should be a Smokestack, if I get her some more jewelry.

  • Actually, I HAVE been through your Vidalia, I have purchased some sweet onions from the other one in your town, sold to me by someone who mistook me for a Texan, and therefore gullible (I'm actually from Eldorado, Arkansas; long story, but I was on my way from Shreveport to Houma to fly offshore, and had promised a buddy of mine to stop off and get some Vidalia onions for a chili recipe he was gonna show the cook on the rig we were going to), and you SHOULD be famous for your guitars, and... you're not buyin' any of this, are you...
  • thanks for the invite,like your stuff and the 'mojo' blog was fun, i have a pal who had to buy cheap copies of 'the usual' just to hang on the wall- so i guess they're his idea of Mojo, he cannot see the point in what people are doing on here, his loss i say.

  • Smokey,

    Glad to have you as a Nation friend. I've been through Vidalia: famous for sweet onions,and now, your guitars. Absolutely love your work, and lust after an example. Have to wait 'till next year, as I've used up my allowable GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome) budget with the better half this year.
  • Cool, i am usually down in LA in jan. and aug. for work.

    i'll hit you up before i head down there. doesn't matter if your good or not. its still always fun to jam.

  • I like what you are doing. Do you jam much with other people? I come down to LA a few times a year and always have a box with me. 
  • Thanks for the friend invitation, Smokestack.  I appreciate it very much!  See you round the Nation.
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