




March 3



The benefits of double piezos?

I've seen this done on a few builds, and even did it myself once (though i can't quite remember why I thought it would be a good idea), but what are the benefits of wiring two piezos in series rather than having one single one? Does it increase…

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Where can i get box latches?

For this build I need the box to be able to open every time I restring, but the box didn't come with a little latch thing . While I could just keep it shut with two small screw, a latch thing would be more elegant. Does anyone know where I can get a…

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UK Cigar Box Guitar Fest 2010

  • Description: Yes, it's happening again! This is going to be another top notch happening. Featured performers booked so far - Hollowbelly, Tinqui8 (France), Bluesbeaten Redshaw, plus workshops lead by Chickenbone John & Roosterman. I'm confident that interest…
  • Created by: ChickenboneJohn