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  • Good news, John. It's in the diary!!
  • Thanks, the how-to build a guitar amp from an old radio video you posted made my first radio to amp conversion a breeze. great job on it.

  • man, im reallly likin this music, i find myself going to your page instead of mine just to hear it. i like the back ground gritty talking stuff. it is a cool effect.  while giants sleep i can listen too ove and over id sure like to get this for my car. FAT FAT KUDOS man.  im getting an old d4ts  mic coming in im gonna start experimenting with some different sounds. but im a big newbee

  • hey man , thanks for accepting the friend request.  I went ahead and got an amp kit off e bay to put into my old radio body.  I love your music.  keep rockin on man. are these just clips or the whole songs ?

  • hello Smojo, was talking with nailtown slim about some plans for building amps from scratch.  he said you are the man to talk to for purchasing said plans. i pmed you . thanks  antonio.

  • Hello mate,

                       thanks for accepting the friend request, as for what's next, I'm not sure yet, I'm part way thru building a cigar box clock with a lamp on top. But today I had to go off shopping for birthday party stuff for my grandson who's 11 tomorrow! I only have to wire it up now and add a final touch or two, hope to get it done in the morning before the party. I'll stick a pic or two up and see what you think!

    cheers for now,


  • Hi Smojo

    How can I get a plan of the battery amp that bemuzic made


  • Shame you can't come but short notice. Let's hook up soon
  • Loved the new track Mayday - it sounds like its got a Beetles Sgt Pepper  twist to it.

  • yep busy busy...better than having nothing to do!

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