January 1
Did somebody know (or have an idea) of what kind of piezo installation are in the Hobo king standard CBG played by Pinecone Fletcher ( In the interview (see video 1) is talking about a double piezo transducer enhanced just…
Read more…Pour info je viens de traduire en français l'article anglais consacré à la CBG sur Wikipédia et l'ai incorporé dans la page française de Wikipédia toujours >>> Commentaires, corrections, ajous sont…
Read more…Reçu ce jour de la part de Stewart MacDonald qui fait aussi des tutos, une autre manière de fabriquer une CBG avec une planche de bois pleine: Lien >>> This sure was an easy one! Qu'en pensez vous?
Read more…Except in C.B.Gitty were there are piezos disks dedicated to music and that will sound when put in your CBG, it cannot be the case with the ones bought in electronic supply stores. a recent (bad) experience showed me that all piezo disks are not…
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Non, mon site semble victime d'attaques, c'est mon fournisseur d'accès qui est visé…
Il est géré par un vieux copain… gay.
Alors on attend, ils se battent pour trouver la solution.
On se tient au courant.
Si quelqu'un veut me contacter, qu'il essaie par CBG
Even in english !
The piezo is 35mm diameter and the packet is marked YU85G
Salut et merci pour "l'amitié", dès que j'ai le temps je fais une description de ma chambre-atelier et de mon matos sur ton post !
Hello Bob,
I am glad to hear you enjoyed the information. I would greatly appreciate it if you translated this post into French and Spanish. Then feel free to share as you see fit. Please include these two pieces of info into your translation: my email contact, and to purchase my instructional video CDs - Search: keni lee I would appreciate it also if you could send the finished drafts to so I can post them too. Thank you for your interest and assistance, Keni Lee
Welcome. You'll find this a truly international site, there are CBG lovers around the world to network with and make friends with.