





February 5

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  • 306321108?profile=RESIZE_480x480

    Album Notes
    Cigar Box Guitar and classical music met again after 150 years!

    In the middle of XIX century there were musicians who classical pieces performed on homemade instruments such as Cigar Box Guitar. But, unfortunately, there are no records of these unique 
    performances did not survive. How do sounds classical music of the Renaissance on cigar box guitar? 

    "Das Wohltemperirte Cigar Box Guitar" Album ( translation: Well-Tempered sigar box guitar ) was recorded in a home studio by Eugene Nemov. 

    The list of works you will see all the familiar songs and names of composers such as Franz Shubert, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, Albinoni and names of familiar music lovers Renaissance: Pascal Bouquet and Francesco da Milano.

    Pascal Bouquet - French lutenist, he lived in XV-th century. Pascal Bouquet composed many excellent works for lute and baroque guitar. Musical notations this musician survived to this day. "Brande des Hermites" and "Volte Praetorius" - it's two works from the collection of popular dances of France, Pascal Bouquet written specifically for learning to play the lute. 

    Francesco Canova da Milano (Italian Francesco Canova da Milano) - Italian Renaissance lute, one of the major European composers XVI veka.Franchesko Canova da Milano is one of the best composers of lute music, and possibly greatest lute virtuoso of all time. His work, and the amazing beauty of a consistently high level, and are often performed today. 

    Just the album includes two copyright works Eugene Nemov - "French dance" and "English dance". They are written in a popular style of lute music of the Renaissance .

    All works have been performed at 3-string classic guitars from cigar boxes, made by Eugene Nemov. Description and images of these instruments You can see on the site www.cigarboxguitars.ru and personal Evgeny Nemov page on the www.cigarboxnation.com ;


  • A pleasure. I'll speak to Chicken Bone John in the next week or two and keep you posted about any get-together. Keep on playing, it's all good...



  • Thank you for the comment on my latest video. I'm only in Worcester so if ever you fancy a get-together I'd be happy to do so. I'm hoping that Chicken Bone John will do some beginners 'playing' workshops before too long. Thanks again...

  • hey david, yeah deer antler isn`t as dense as bone. Plus sometimes the core of the antler isn`t developed enough and can be really soft. I have used antler in the past, but still perfer cow bone for nuts and saddles. I would suggest that if you do want to use the antler for a nut, bridge or saddle that instead of using the whole antler that you try and cut around the core [ middle of the antler ]. Now if your using a small diameter tine the core might be fully developed, but some are some aren`t. Hope this helps...thx for the friends invite.

  • Hi David ... Ooops! I think I got the 'wrong end of the stick' with your question about using the lipstick as a bridge. I thought you meant bridge pickup. The strings do not touch the lipstic, but the pic looks as though they might. Hope that's cleared it up! B-)

  • hi thanks dave ya hard to get a shine on ceder got it after a bit .

  • Hi Dave

    good to hear from you. I dropped a line to Andy this morning mentioning that I have been talking to a couple of guys about getting a Deeep South regional event arranged. Nothing to heavy and I would like to encourage tryers as much as flyers to attend the event. I'ts early days yet, but Lost Tone from Brighton(the guy with the fantastic drum machine) and Jez (longshanks are definately interested. We could aim for something in the new year and of course you would be most cordially invited for the weekend, keep in touch, Jerry.

  • Hiya, yep, it'd be my pleasure mate! We drank the place dry on Saturday tho.! 

  • Well i suppose that is what it is all about....use what you have..
  • Cigar boxes £5.00 each at;

    Robert Graham ltd.

    4, Broadwell Parade, London, NW6 3BQ
    Tel +44 (0) 207 624 3351

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