





October 16

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  • Hi Andy, I knew there must be another CBG obsessed nutter in the Highlands!

    Much to my wife's utter horror I'm sure!
  • Hey Andy. I combined the Ruby with the Noisy Cricket. The two circuits are basically the same with a few component value differences. Its an easy circuit to build on vero-board too.


  • Hi Andy

    It wasn't me that hacked the cassette player, it was Smojo as I say in the credits.  But, I think it kind of goes like this: dissconnect the motor, you don't need it.  Fit a 1/4" guitar socket somewhere. Dissconnect the wires that come from the tape heads and reconnect them to the 1/4" socket. That's about it.  If that's not right, my apologies. Even though I've not yet had a go myself, I do know it's pretty simple in theory.  The tricky bit, I believe, is just getting at components, and u won't know what you're dealing with until you get the back off your player.  I haven't checked, but there may be a hacking group on the Nation somewhere.  All the best.

  •  for the motoguitar  it's not me the autor, thats the man and his passion

    living in the94 val de marne france

    his site: www.luthier-amateur.com/gruau

  • Hi Andy, thanks lol, i wanted to start my own guitar company but the name has already gone lol !

  • Thanks Andy, I live in Lossiemouth.

  • thanks Andy, glad you got it ok : -)

  • er, I didn't get it : -/

  • Hey, Andy, good to hear from you. I saw a CBG in the music shop in church street a couple of weeks ago and thought, shucks, I should try making one. Just Bout completed second and well hooked.
  • Hey Andy,

    Thanks for the comment on my first kalimba build.  Yew the metal is for pinging.  The metal strips are played with the thumbs to get a music box type sound from it.  Here's a link to a video showing a talented player playing a kalimba.  (It's not me playing.)

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