Chicago, IL
January 21
It's that time of year -so I thought I'd send an Mp3 up for CBN for my friends and all in this cyber-land of CBG' whether I know y'all or not :) May you experience the love and grace that appeared: Merry Christmas!…
Read more…Got a Three Stooges calendar, a pic I'd love to stick on a cardboard cigarbox git. How to best glue and especially clear-coat cover it without wrecking the color photo? Thx all, -Glenn Kaiser
Read more…Been messing w. this a bit- for busking, etc.. I already know positioning speaker far away from pickup, placement of sound-hole and the like, but any OTHER ideas outside of these to killing feedback? Thanks, -Glenn
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I posted Pictures , hope its clear ? Greeetzz A.D.
Hia Glenn, Some fine Minimal Rocking on the CBN CA spreading the Gospel ! have a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year !
Hello Glenn ! last best as they say ! must compliment you on your Christmas Album contribution ! GREAT Track simple beat ,slick bass, fine lines, and a great blow on the side horns ! it smelled christmas fine Glenn!
Seasons Greeeetsszz from Holland !
Bro Glenn,
I am building a CBG site-not commercial- and answered a question of how I got started with this and the answer is that I have been your fan for a long time and found you on a YouTube link to see what you are up to now.
i posted that YouTube link on my site and hope you approve of me using it.
My other site is and I would like to reference your GRRR sitee there, please.
Thank you,
Thank you! I'll keep looking.
Glenn: I was impressed by pics put up recently of a 5-gallon bucket bass, and (I think) your name was mentioned by the builder, thanking you for the idea. Do you have plans for such a bass that you could share?
Hi There Glenn, Thanks for the Comments and the feedback, i got the info and the picture from a site about The Dockery Plantation it was about african roots and the origen from the primitiv instruments the prison slaves used, have not got a URL i was under the inpression i logged it under favorits ,but i did not, hope it helps ! Greeeeettsss A.D.