Washboard Guitar

Seasick Steve inspired Washboard Guitar for Phil, my No. 1 customer. Together we figured out Steve's guitar had an A string from a bass. I made some design changes. This one has a 24" scale length and an E string from a short scale bass tuned to A. A challenging build for a variety of reasons, and I hope Phil will like it.

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  • Glad you like this one Kale! I put off starting this build because I was a bit intimidated by how it was going to all come together. I finally just started and sure enough it did as I just took whatever the obvious next step was and improvised (a lot) as necessary. There is a lot of that in cigar box guitar building of course.

  • cool build Doug.

  • Thanks for the great feedback Glenn and BrianQ! Phil continues to broaden my building horizons as he assembles quite the "eclectic" collection. I wonder what will be next!

  • Kool, haven't seen a washboard build in some time, that Phil will end up with quite an eclectic collection!

  • BRILLIANT! Great work indeed, love it! -Glenn

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