All Albums (100)
- Po'Mans Pics
- Knotlenny's knot-guitars
- Hupcap Banjo 2
- Hubcap Banjo 1
- Sonny Daze Musical Instruments
- Fingerlakesfest '08
- Knotlenny's CBG Cartoons
- First Cigar Box Build
- Guitar #003
- Made in Afghanistan
- Sly's Detroit Club
- The Corina "Sue-Sue" Special
- In progress Photos
- magnetic pick-up diddley bow
- Happy Places
- Geronimo's Grave and Apache POW Cemetary
- My real (factory) guitars
- Cigare box guitars
- Sessions
- My first
- thin tops
- DonTomas reso
- Smoke Boxer
- CBB cigar box bass
- Green necked CBG
- Montecristo #2
- Punch four string CBG
- hershey tin guitar
- solidbody 3 string strumthingy
- My diddley bows
- my 2nd diddley-bow
- resobox guitar
- my builds -JTS-GUITARS
- La tete
- Old Builds
- Banjo 4 cordes
- Cigar Box Amp Twin Speakers
- tin baritone uke
- Latest batch of diatonic fretted CBGs
- Finished Pickup Winder
- #21 The Decemberist
- non cbg goodness
- #23 Hershey-tar
- Elwood's Blues Boxes
- vintage cracker tin guitar
- gig posters
- The Black Pearl
- My 4th CBG
- Stogiecaster Prototypes
- First Cigar Box Uke
- doublestring diddly-bow
- Cigar Box Guitar # 2
- Reso Resonators
- Model Mini 14 scale reso
- Unusual wood
- Some Birthday Gifts
- Whacking stick
- Flor Fina 858
- Nate's CBGs & CBG Related Paraphernalia
- two string d-bow
- Uncle Doob Proto #1
- red stripe cbg
- Sears amp
- computer motherboard guitar
- tabacalera three string guitar
- Coffee Infused
- 2nd CBG - Billy Caster - Macho Camacho!
- one-string didly bow
- My New Reso Guitar
- CB Amp Mega Twin!!
- Winfield Flier
- brass lamp guitar
- Wichita Sam Event Flyer
- blue diamond guitar
- cool new reso design
- MandoUke
- Laminating
- Hangin with the self-proclaimed "King of the Cigar
- leather guitar straps
- cigar box ukes
- Malfangled dog
- my first builds ever
- Manditar
- My junk needs a trunk
- Tin Guitar 004
- cookie tin banjos
- Schoen Winchester
- Rinnie's Stooge Box
- baby resonator
- My Dulcimer
- The 4-string Gentleman
- Lefty Tele
- For sale!
- Electrified Kalimba
- smojo's stuff
- The Hard Rock Live
- sherb's boxes
- Tabak - CBG #4