San Marcos, TX
August 13
How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?
Shane Speal
How many instruments have you built so far?
I lost track
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
My favorite types of CBGs are built from discarded items and junk. That's the magic of them to me. When you take a bunch of mismatched things, throw them together and come up with something that sounds great... that's more impressive than a $3000 purpose built instrument in my opinion.
This seems to affect some videos but not all and I can't quite figure out why. Some vids are still displaying correctly since the upgrade but others are displaying as small thumbnails like this…Here’s how to fix them…Click the Option button at the…
Read more…Starting yesterday, CBN is no longer displaying Thumbnails on videos. Also, I cannot like/unlike videos for a while now. The like button works on photos but not videos. I logged out, deleted all cookies, logged back in, and there was no change. It…
Read more…It's not allowing me to like videos and I can't edit videos after I upload them (the edit menu has disappeared). Also, whenever I post a comment, it refreshes the whole page instead of just adding the comment like it used to. And I'm seeing a large…
Read more…I was thinking about going to Hunstville this year for the CBG fest but I can't find any information about it online. I know it typically happens in late May or early June so I figured it would be posted somewhere. I checked this site, various…
Read more…It's blues • It's rock • It's primal • It's free
An all-day FREE family-friendly music festival featuring cigar box guitars. It happens right in the heart of downtown York.
There will be 14 bands…
The Cigar Box Guitar Slingers - Spokane, Poorness Studios, and Uncle John will be cohosting a play along jam on Zoom.
All songs are 3-4 chords with 1-finger arrangements intended for GDG tuned 3-string guitars. DAD, EBE,…
St. Louis MO. 8th annual Cigar Box Guitar Festival. 34 S Old Orchard Ave, Webster Groves, MO 63119
Justin Johnson will perform Friday June 5, @7PM night before the fest.…
Thanks Poorness for the kind comment ;-)
Hi Kale Thanks for bringing that to my attension , a editing Blip ,the correct version is reuploaded ! that movie program still gives me a headache ,! its under my attension for a next time ! thanks !
back in time , there was this guy that adapted the TI module ,he took it out the game , and connected it so that he coud us it live during band play, at the time i thougt it was pretty cool ! but i never coud set my self to break up the game , i did tape all the recorded game verbal for use in the future. does TI still do productions whit voice aplicated modules ,like the all translating Muama enence translater?