Broomstick Cigar Box Guitar.

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The Broomstick Cigar Box Guitar, maid from the cigar box, and DIY pickup. The pickup was in turn made from the spare transformer and neodymium magnets. 
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  • I love one stringers. There's just something about them.

    • This one is a 2 stringer. Just could not place more strings on the broomstick :).
      Do you know Seasick Steve? He is well known for playing Diddley Bow.
      I also have made one:

      Diddley Bow: Unlocking the Secrets of Primitive Blues *
      Learn how to make a Diddley Bow, a primitive blues instrument that shaped early music. Discover its history and create your authentic one-string mast…
  • Nice fretless Chugger CBG Serge! Thanks for sharing.

    • Yeah. It is also good as a radio! :)
      At a certain angle, the pickup starts to reproduce a local Radio station, so loud that I had to apply some shielding!

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