Pot Hole (an original song for spring)

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I've been waiting a couple years to share this one with you all. Here's a song I wrote about the pot holes in the Midwestern US. If you know, you know. It's the perfect tune for this time of year. Happy Springtime everyone!

Intro - 0:00
Song - 0:56

See more Original Songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIixlr7C6KViLK7-sZvd6rDKkx-57X6M

And more Sunday Songs here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwIixlr7C6KVoYgWrIwlr-AOhJif0xzTB

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  • :D

  • Better late than never, right? We have those issues in Cali too? All you need is a crack, some hot weather, then some heavy rain, presto, pot hole!

    • I got a lot of comments on YouTube. Apparently potholes affect a lot of folks. Who knew?

  • πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I can definitely identify with your song Kale! Winter leading into Spring destroy the roads in Eastern Washington when we get the freeze, melt, freeze thing going on. Great song!

    Happy Sunday!

    • Pot holes are a thing. Folks who grew up in warm climates probably won't appreciate this song. Thanks for checking it out.

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