Piezo Stomp Box

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This was my very first stompbox project. I must admit it was not very successful considering the sound quality, But after all the first step is the hardest.

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  • I made one of these back in the day. They can be surprisingly useful.

    • True. Thanks for sharing.

  • I tried one too Serge! Yours sounds pretty good compared to the results I got. I think you are on to something. In my case, I moved on to other projects.

    • Hi Doug.
      1. The sound probably owed the credit to amplification. I used the Bass amp SWR 10 on this record.
      2. I also turned to another approach.
      You can find the explanation on these to at https://diyguitar.ca/pbass-stomp-box/

      Stomp Box Build: From Bass Pickup to Beat Machine
      Learn how to build a stomp box drum using Pbass pickups for deep, punchy beats. A DIY guide to crafting a foot percussion instrument with great tone.
  • I felt the same way when I made one, but you never know until you try right?

    • Right. And with experience, I do better. At least that's what happened to me.

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