Building a Cigar Box Mandolin Kit from MGB Guitars

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I found this cool cigar box at an estate sale and decided to build something out of it. In retrospect, this wasn't the best combination for the string tension but it looks really great.

Intro & Overview - 0:00
Building the Kit - 2:03
Fixing my Mistakes - 3:52
Final Assembly - 4:50
Stringing it Up - 6:16
First Sounds - 7:36
Final Thoughts - 9:14

This is the kit I used:

And see more of my DIY Project here:

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  • Bissenis is boeming ! Great to see that your Hobby is still your dayJob ! Your Reputation sours the internet "Missalainous Poor Studio DYI Build Guy " just kidding (Skid Humonggus(meaning Humor= HaHa Fun Stuff) keep em coming Prof Haircut BeardGuy(whit No Beard) Taking the Mickey to exstream ! Sorry! love your Work!

    • Thanks for checking it out AD.

  • I always love your videos!! You do a great job showing us the process!!

    • Thanks Matthew. I really appreciate that.

  • Very kool, now that you got that under your belt, next....

    • Thanks BrianQ. I'm pretty impressed with this kit. 

  • Fun build Kale! I enjoyed the unvarnished build process and improvisation (seems like every build requires some of that). I wasn't surprised you had to beef up the box, 8 strings tuned to pitch is a lot of tension. I thought it came out well. Looking forward to hearing it on a Sunday song.

    I ended up watching the video in YouTube since the video wanted me to sign in. Don't know what that is all about.

    • Thanks Doug. I'm pretty pleased with how it came out out. I think that old box definitely needed some reinforcement but I think it's gonna work now. 

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