Knotlenny's 3-String CBG 101

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A brief rudimentary lesson on tuning and some CBG basics.

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  • I got my first CBG, a "Blues Box fretless slide" for Christmas with no idea how to play one.  Since then, I've made two of my own, but still can't really play one.  Uncle John recommended this as a good place to start.  I wish I would have found it the day after Christmas!  Thanks for the start.  JT 

  • Uncle John, this is a very good instructional video. No hype. No BS. Straight forward, simple, and to the point....and fun to watch. Thanks for pointing me in it's direction.
  • Good deal, Pick. Thanks!



  • Oh no!   I can't either.  I will ask Kevin to repost.

  • Is the video still available? I can't see it.

  • Thanks heaps john for the info mate
  • Thanks to Uncle John for the recomending this video, much appreciated by this noob.
  • A friend told me about this video. Thanks, it is very informative and inspiring. I'm brand new to the world of CBG's.

  • Uncle John sent me.Great lesson, I've made my first one bout a week ago I think one of the mistakes I made was fretting it (thought it would look cooler) just makes a lot of knocking noise when I try to slide.I have better luck playing it on my lap.

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