



Downers Grove, IL


June 4

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  • Tom, is there a  cbg fest in Chicago this year?  I have the bug to make the blues and cbg pigramage to the windy city.  Any info is appreciated.
  • Thank you Tom for your comment. I wonder what is weights? It might buckle his knees. LOL Enjoy.
  • thanks for the comment and thats a pretty impressive first build cheers
  • thanks for the comment Tom. I am a plumber by trade so it seemed to fit.plus copper is very easy to work with.
  • thanks Tom! or should I say Tommy Gun :) sounds like you should build yourself a tommygun guitar nothing to it..seriously
    appreciate the comments
  • Hi Tom, They are mylar speakers I bought off ebay. I have tried a smokey amp circuit before but wanted a louder clean sound than that can deliver so I used a 3watt mono amp kit from Maplins. The inside is like this

  • Hi tom, thanks for a comment, about my resonator, the the green/white alternating binding are original, bye
  • thanks for the comment tom, my little boy and I did that.
  • Thanks Tom
    Were hanging and fighting
    shes in good spirits!
    Nice to mee you bro!
  • Tom,
    Welcome and im sorry for your loss.
    I also shaved my head about 5 months ago
    my sister is battling bone cancer and told her i didnt want her to be the only bald one in the family.Told her id stay bald until her hair grew back.Ill have to post the picture.
    God Bless keep playing and keep his memory alive.
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