



Lebanon, PA


March 31

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  • thats funny i have been playin mine through a digtech GNX3.yeah i still haven't finished mine yet can't seem to put it down long enough to put a coatof laquer on it.
  • hi matt, thanks for the comment, yes I ran it through a digitech board, I couldnt tell you what affects, its one of the presets that were arlready on there from when i got it on ebay, Im not very good at playin but I still have fun with it. I dont know if you have checked out shane's free lessons yet (top of page under free resources) but its well worth a look It gave me some good insight, I think Im accually better at playing a 6string, which isnt saying much ha ha . Im working on number 2 now so hope fully in a little while I can give a sound check vid on that one If it comes out alright.
  • Welcome aboard, Mat! You will find lots of helpful folks and information here on all things CBG (CBU, CBB, etc.) Feel free to poke around, ask questions, and post your stuff (photos, recordings, videos, etc.).

    Most of all, have fun!

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