



May 8

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  • hey man i almost got padron 5000 done 2 p90s a rod and preamp like gittys and 3 500k pots 1 with 22.uf orange drop and a .47 on bridge pup maple neck oak fretboard and ill be rockin ill shoot pics when i open it up to wire. keep on keepin on. Slim
  • Happy Birthday from all the folks at CBN!
  • FREE CD DOWNLOAD!!!!!!!!!...again. That's right! In the spirit of the season, I'm releasing to the world a collection compiled from the first four LINGUA INCOGNITA cds,
    re-mastered for maximum sonic impact. It will only be available for about a week, so hurry up and get yours NOW. Come hear what led to CRACKLEBONE! Leonard Cohen meets King Crimson on the way to a Genesis concert...well, you get the idea. Here's the link:
  • Thanks Jarmo
    i saw the wrap around frets done by a guy over here in brisbane who does some amazing things with everyday junk. http://www.cyberferal.com/UncleBob/gallery/index.html
  • Thank you for your warm Holiday Greetings. Best of Health and Wealth in 2010. Enjoy.
  • Hi Diane and thanks for comment for my CBG.
    Your doctor is right , riding with bicycle is good to heart and see same time landscapes, but be carefull those snakes.

    Once i have somekind racing bicycle "Nishiki" but i sell it long time ago.
    Last summer i buy new bicycle but i don´t like it, my "important" places not like normal bike, blood not goes around "there" good, so that is why i looking or doing that kind bike :D
  • Hey Jarmo, it is a catrike as you have already found out. It is loads of fun to ride. I can't ride a regular bicycle because it hurts my leg; I am a below the knee amputee. My heart dr. told me to find some kind of exercise to do for my heart. I was a member of guitaruniversity site, and a guy from Canada rides one. I bought mine from Atlanta, Ga. The weather here has been so bad, I can't ride it now. It has a boom that will extend out according to your height which will not hurt my leg. The only bad thing about it, you are low to the ground; if you run up on a snake, you are eye to eye with it.
  • Very nice CBGs, great job.
  • You are lucky man, you are grand father :)

    My son is now 13 years old ... so i must wait many years still :D

    I think , it is nice to both of you play guitars together.
  • Yeah, good picture though. I might have to dig out one of my little boy pictures and put it on here. My avatar is about 3 years old and that's my little grand son Mark playin' music with me. He started strummim' my guitar when he was about 7 months old. I hope some day he'll be a musician too.
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