

Wylie, TX


February 27

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  • Thank you for your comment. Here is the link to the Stroh Uke.
    Google Stroh violin for more info.
  • Hey, man. I put them upside down because I thought it looked more interesting on a quasi-asymmetrical head than having everything running along the same line.

    I can't see how this would introduce tuning instability. It's just a simple worm gear after all. Did you try this with high quality machines? My experience has been that if you have at least a moderately decent tuning machine on your guitar it'll hold fast no matter which way you pull on it.
  • thanks for the link...I have seen his vids a long time ago and acually forgot about it, so I checked out the link you sent and found the vid for a through neck and he has an easy way to figure it out, I will have to post some pics of the jig I made,and its very non user friendly but it works, its set to a 2 degree, and I found with some research that it is and industry standard obviously you can tweek it as needed but for now Im gonna stick to the 2rule
  • Thanks for your kind words posted about my first effort at making a gigar box guitar. It's a bit crude, but sits well with my collection of wood and steel bodied resonator guitars.
  • Just remember a shitty guitar can sound great through a graet amp
  • Thank you for your comment about my busking video. You will have a nice time in Ptown. Make sure you go to the Portuguese Bakery on Commercial Street and get you some "Fried Dough" LOL Enjoy.
  • Brian, thanks for the offer. That is mighty neighborly. Right now I have about 40+ boxes and my wife is stomping her foot. That is not a good thing! And she doesn't know I have 9 sitting at the post office waiting for me!
  • Hello,
    I have started a CBN group entitled, "How to Play CBG" It is my hope and intention to encourage the "Wealth of Talent" here on the Nation to share their knowledge and skill to further the CBG movement. Please consider contributing an instructional "video" link to this group. If you are a viewer seeking instruction, please feel free to write. If you have any suggestions or know other players who you think may want to post instructional "video" links, please contact me. Thank you for your interest and support, Keni Lee
  • thanks fur lookin Brian. that old saw works great fur toothpick frets.. some nice work you have in here, keep up the good work...
  • Thank you for your friend invite. Please visit me on youtube and feel free to write if I can be of any assistance. Enjoy.
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