



Salt Lake City, UT


April 3

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  • Oh, mna , just saw your in slc. Howdy neighbor, I'm out in Stansbury Park!
  • Hey ,thanx for inviting me, sorry it took so long to get back, career change, lot's o' changes
  • Yes, I am very familiar with Photoshop, graphic design, etc. so unless you are really good at modifying photos, I can spot changes.
  • cool man, i just listened to gossamer heart with the Winchester resonator.its a great sounding instrument. is that you singing that song BB? it sure is a cool tune,great vocals, great lyrics, and great music.
  • BB , Thanks for the friend invite and let me say welcome . It's a great place you can get lost on here and spend HOURS looking at pics and videos and just reading . Enjoy and keep on keeping on ...
    Robert J.
  • Yes sir, that is a super build. Keep up the good work BB !
  • Thanks for the freinds invite , good to have you onboard the nation
  • Thanks for inviting me to be a friend. That's a great guitar you have.
  • Welcome aboard, BB! You will find lots of helpful folks and information here on all things CBG (CBB, CBU, etc.) Feel free to poke around, ask questions, and post your stuff (photos, recordings, videos, etc.)

    Most of all, have fun!

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