



Santa Rosa, CA

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  • thank you for your kind words susan,i appreciate them. you know i,m just having fun building these little cigar box guitars,and experimenting with different types of tone. thanks again.
  • i got my tribute bow today-- it is a great piece of work --i thank you very much. gonna get practiced up wit it so i can play a tune on it. thanks again for your time and efforts on a great instrument of magnificent proportions.
  • thanks susan, fer da comment about ditto on delvero,s words,i am humbled,just stopped by ta say im fixin ta load some pics of progress on the Dulcinator. hope to have it making music in a few days. thanks again.
  • Thank you for your comment. I try not to take myself too seriously. Playing should be fun and uplifting. If you are not feeling it as a performer, the audience won't either. Enjoy.
  • thanks for the video comment : -)
  • thanks no 1-- i havent forgot about you. i get 3 weeks off of werk soon so i,ll be hittin the post office to get you some more bairfoot cajun builds to ya. i got tons of ideas that i havent put into effect yet,they just waitin in line till the time is right. thanks susan hunt i appreciate you.
  • Thank you very much, Susan.
  • Thanks Susan for your comment on my 2nd build. I wouldn't go that far to say it is beautiful, it is easy on the eye. I am glad you like it. I have a couple things to fix on it, though.
  • HELLO SUSAN,,,your folk art is great,,,how did u like onestringwillies dbow wire...
  • Hello Susan,the Purgatory Hill show Friday night was mesmerizing.I had the best seat in the bar and couldn't take my eyes off of Pat playing the Lowebow.In between a break, Pat and I were discussing Cigar Box Nation and I asked if I could post a review of the show on CBN.His eyes lit up when I mentioned CBN and it was so cool when he said that he had seen the guy in the "Pig Mask" on there before.PH played for over 3 hours themselves for a $5.00 cover charge!! and then they both signed a CD for me after the show,such cool people!!.Such a cool night out,Good Friends and Great Music!!!,Michael.
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