April 9
i went to St Johns restaurant today and had fergus's signature dish of roasted bone marrow, which was so tasty. but i took the bones home. wondering how i go about turning them into slides. any ideas?
Read more…i am pleased to announce that StumbleCol have agreed to play at my SHELTERBOX charity gig on the 7th of April at the new cross inn (south london). it is also a bit of a knees up for my 40th birthday so there will be cake. so anybody who missed them…
Read more…After the success of the last Sidcup Soiree, we are holding another on 24th March 2012. Confirmed acts so far
"Slowpaw" Steve T
Chillicool Kev
Brickdust & Pyno
Jez longshanks Walker
Thanks steve - will send longer message later - still recovering from a week-end near the Walish border.
Ya, thats the spirit Steve! My buddy Bill is on his way over now for our usual weekly practice. We are trying to tighten up 3 original songs before we go into the studio to record them. Beer and food makes the practice go a whole lot better. LOL
Enjoy your practice, Keni Lee
Thank you for your friendship too. Enjoy your practice.
Thank you for your order, Keni Lee
Hello Steve,
Yes, CD 4 is a good place to start. CD 6 is part 2. By simply retuning from GDG to ADF# the CBG functions differently (same strings). The GDG tuning is best for bottleneck slide, shuffle blues rhythms, walking bass lines, playing two notes at the same time (double-stops) on the first two strings,etc. The ADF# provides a system of movable chords that functions very similar to a 6 string guitar. It makes strumming chords easy, especially if you use a fake book of your favorite band or artist. You will have no problem finding the substitute 3 string CBG chords you need. Feel free to contact me if any questions arise as you work through the lessons. Enjoy your practice, Keni Lee
thanks for the friendship - look me up if you come to lyme again
best marshall
Thanks for the request.If you'rean Animals fan you must be getting on a bit?
Saw your reference to the Animals version of Roadrunner, I had forgotten they did it even though in my yoof I spent alot of time at the Club A'gogo where the animals were the resident band.Still prefer Bo Diddleys original though.
When the missus got the christmas tree out of the loft she discovered this
Which got me all nostalgic so I built a gogo three stringer

Thanks for friends request, Steve/Chunk. Rock on (or "BLUES" on ) :)
Hi Steve thanks for the friends request - good to have you on board.