



Pinckney, MI


January 31

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  • Hope your well Happy Holidays Letha

  • 305880465?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • Thanks Letha before the Townes record I had not recorded in about 2 years.          Still Looking For You was my electric 6 string and an amp I built with a 3 in. speaker no effects. I want to mix up what i'm playing right now it Rock and Electric blues And the Beatles stuff. I will be doing some Bluegrass and it would be great to here what you think.          Take care

  • Hi Letha! It's @ 80% Reverb & 25% Chorus on a Roland Microcube, Black Label Amp setting with 50% gain. Darren Brown 3 string http://www.cigarboxnation.com/photo/just-hanging-out?context=user tuned F# C# f# (.46 .26 chrome flatwound, .17 plain). Eek! Sorry... to much info  :-(  :-(  :-(

  • Letha -- I just watched a number of your YouTube videos... Mmmmmm, good stuff! Had to watch "Nobody Else But You" a bunch of times and try to play, sing and dance along! Tremendous! Like so much of your music, it just has that "instant classic" feel. You've got some really talented Benders, too! Kudos to all!

  • i really enjoy your music. "The Weight" is one of my fav's. thanks for sharing with us.

  • I'm back on your page to hear again "The Weight" and the other songs...


    I'm honored to be friend on Nation with a great artist like you...

    ...°<[:-) [---]==={...

  • rough in

  • 305851452?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024

  • In a song writing contest,  I think playing the song alone - as well as you play- is a good idea.  

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