



Claremont, CA


October 28

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  • Hey Chris,jus checkin in to see if you are still playin our fest in July.Hit me back

    Vinnie...Facebooked ya too  w my alias..lol

  • I don't know what the deal is Cris.  It doesn't look like I can reply to any of your videos, but I haven't had any trouble on any other vids or discussions.  I can see the comments, but there is nowhere to reply.  Anyway, keep it up - you remind me of a friend of mine who plays some reggae and world music - your voices are very similar and I dig it.

  • For some reason I can't comment on your videos, but just wanted to say I enjoyed both of your new songs.

  • dig your take of 'miss you' cris. a highpoint of the album for sure - well done mate.

  • cheers cris, i'll get to work on it this week

  • Hey! Happy Birthday Chris! Take Care.

  • They still have open mic night at Its a grind? I would like to come watch sometime.
  • Hi Chris, the tuning in the vid was GDGg as far as i recall:0)
  • Nice job on all of your videos Cris, and thanks for sharing on facebook!
  • Cris,

       I like most of your stuff and quite a lot.  I just love 'Had Me A Girl.'  I am learning that one today and hope to play it Friday at open mike night.

       Cris, there are hundreds of excellent player/singer/performers who never reach mainstream stardom.  But I hope you are one that reaches it and still has a happy life.  Good on ya little bro.


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