September 3
Let me start by saying that I don't consider myself an expert in this subject, but I have made two very successful resonator boxes with simplest of tools and cheapest of materials. This particular box is made from 6mm ply for the sides, 3mm ply for…
Read more…Hey! Just thought I'd share a few photos of my latest project. This is a home made resonator box with a mahogany one piece neck which has a violin style head stock, which I made for my son's birthday as he has been showing a lot of interest in my…
Read more…Having just completed my first build I was thinking over the things I'd do differently and the parts of the build that gave me the most trouble. Building the box from scratch was truly simple woodworking and was perhaps the easiest major part of…
Read more…She plays much better than I expected from my first attempt. Would love to know what you guys think2014-04-28 06.50.18.jpg2014-04-28 06.48.47.jpg2014-04-28 06.48.12.jpg
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Thanks for the invitation Sasquatch
Yes it does work,fills the grain for a smoother finish
Some left over jointing compound,the stuff they use to skim plasterboard joints
Hi Sasquatch,
I've used 3.6mm ply in box construction,mainly on the cat and dog bowl resonators.Your mahogany should give great results,the solid timber boxes I've built have always been better acoustically.Here are a couple of examples,one is american walnut(sourced from a model shop) with a cedar front.The other is lauan (salvaged from an old shelf) with a spruce front.Details of construction are among my photo's

thanx for the friend invite ;-)
I like your guitar!
Thanks for your comment Sasquatch.The black one now has a new home with a young lad who plays bass in a punk band.
Thanks for the friend request Sasquatch - greetings from 'oop north'!