



Jazz Capital of JP


July 28

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  • no my freind Keith builds all my CBG's KWS guitars thanks for the comments freind
  • Hey Slim any time your ready I sent you a freind request when you accept it shoot me a message Thanks!
  • hey slim thanks fer the cool comment on the vintage omar build.i,ll try ta get at least 5 minutes of vid down with some cool licks on this build.maybe do a cross style playing of chords,bending notes and slide all combined. got ta get a little practice with it first, then i,ll get it down on vid fer all the cool folks to see and hear. thanks again .
  • hey Jim thanks for that and i havent got a huge bank acount to buy them out , damm wish i did though it will cost me double by the time i pay freight to Japan
  • Hey Slim you can get reso parts from Frank at Republic guitars in Texas... leave some for the rest of us. Also I posted a copy of Pat Cook's video on building resonators on my page. Hope it helps take care - Jim
  • Ok can I have it please , whats the cost to send it
  • bingo...your pic showed up...flyin v...
  • Slim, are you building one yourself, or do you have one already from elsewhere? I would also recommend Keni Lee Burgess' videos: some are linked from his "How to Play" group.
  • Well you can go to the videos look for KNotlenny he has a very simple vedio to get some one started, or if you can play and instrument alewady you can go to the top of the page to How-2-play Shane Speal has three great videos on there.
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