




March 9

Anyone fancy a jam?

I'm in Euxton, Lancashire and I'm itching to make some dirty blues with anyone who fancies it? I can travel around the county and I've got decent enough recording facilities at home if anything comes of it. I'm a mosher at heart, and I was thinking…

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Events insurance?

Hi everyone!! Can anyone in the UK recommend event insurance services? I'm looking to book a few shows and festivals this year, and most of the events insist on public liability insurance. I don't need it for my workshop as no customers visit it.…

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Northwest Guitar Show

  • Description: I'll be at the biggest guitar show in the North of England with the Chickenbone John shop. Heres what they say about it...

    "Now in its 16th year, the UK’s longest established guitar show, the North West Guitar Show, returns to its most…
  • Created by: ChickenboneJohn