





July 8

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  • Thank you for the info :0)
  • Hi Dan, what a nice rustic CBG - am I right in thinking it is a bass string and 3 guitar strings? If so what tuning and scale have you used? Also for the 3 strings on the right have you added a piece of wood to give the machine heads a flat base to sit on and notched the broom handle for the string inserts? Sorry for all the questions but I am thinking of making a walking stick CBG so any ideas of how to fit machine heads to a broom handle will be stored for later use ;0)
  • Great work on the 4 string CBG!
  • Hi,

    Not sure if you got the message with the friend request - I live in Lancs and after 13 years of collecting beat up old instruments I need to make some space.  It includes guitars that can be stripped for parts/some switches (preused)/a very old mandolin neck that may/may not be restorable/old small violin etc...  If interested leave me a comment to say yes or no.They are free and I can drop them off (I would prefer they go to someone who can reuse them rather than taking to the dump).

  • Yeah cool, get in touch in the new year and bring your uke!

  • Crap sorry pal, completely forgot to get back to you! But yeah, I'm just down the road in Euxton. I don't know anyone round here who's into cbg's except for a mate who's in another band. Well up for a jam though! Rob.

  • 305929464?profile=RESIZE_1024x1024On my mic`s i use a cb radio handset mic element, their cheap and work awesome!!

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