


Bear Creek, NC

Female backing vocals

OK, this is a really bad place to ask this, but I'm looking for a female backing vocalist who has their own recording set up to add some backing vocals to a song. Or multiple vocalists who can do it. Anyone here? Or anyone know anyone. Send me a…

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Memorial Day benefit for Habitat for Humanity.

  • Description: Doctor Oakroot plays from 5-6pm.Then, at 6, Oakroot leads a cigar box guitar building workshop. (We have enough stuff for 10 CBGs... bring your own box and a 7/8" dowel if you want to be sure to get in).In addition, local artist Karen Tiede will…
  • Created by: Doc Oakroot

NC Songwriters Co-op Open Mic

  • Description: Open Mic hosted by Doc Oakroot. Sponsored by the NC Songwriters Co-op, but covers are OK. If you're in the area, come on out and bring more CBGs to the event!
  • Created by: Doc Oakroot