



Morrisville, PA


June 24

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  • Thank you Andries ! Means a lot. 

  • Must hand it to You ! Big Congrats on your No;1 Contest Win  ! you come out victorious whit a great build !  Fame for Years to come ! 

  • Daniel, a big CONGRATS for our entries, art and winner in the Gitty contest. WOW!

  • 3572262123?profile=RESIZE_710xMeoww^..^

  • Hi Daniel I'm not one for chat room...to busy with 7 animals lol.....I think I've only chatted with Pick and James in all the yrs I have been on...I like all your cool pictures and work... fall is here its my time of year after all......Meowww^.^1080150143?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • 306717461?profile=RESIZE_710xMeeoow^..^

  • Hi Daniel happy to be your friend.. thanks and many purrrrrs...Meow^..^306298273?profile=RESIZE_710x

  • Hi Daniel, to get a ticket for the Swampy contact Steve Miles at frogking1958@yahoo.com. He has paypal attached to his email.

    As far as sawmill lumber, the person who cuts my logs has a set up similar to what is in your picture just larger but can still be trailered. to keep from warping you need to put stacker strips in between each layer you stack. the strips don't need to be large just enough to allow air circulation. Then lay something substantial on top , blocks or whatever you have laying around. I usually allow mine to dry for 2 years and haven't had any trouble. I currently have oak, ash, locust and sasafrass dry and ready to go. Probably close to 400 bdft of lumber, cheapest way to get material to build with.

  • Me think 009 on the hi E  if you use it if you go for a 3 tree string i say not to thick  to but it all dipends on your playing style if your sliding and you like a long sustain you take o 011 for a hi E if you use em !  have a look also on my page in the blog on strings maybee you read some that brings you on track ! Oke otherwise please specifi ! Greeeeettsszz A.D.

  • 1230036106?profile=RESIZE_710x

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