

Washington, DC


November 9

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  • Thank you Corey. I am trying.
  • Thank you for your comment about Jimmy Millinchuk's CBG build. He is a professional guitar builder. Two of his clients include Sting and Springsteen. The CBG is actually a minature guitar. The top is cedar and traditional braced. It is very easy to play and rings forever. Happy Holidays. Enjoy.
  • ...we're on our way to dimension 9...
  • that shoebox build sounds good corey thanks fer the comment. i have a video of that guitar on my page if ya would like to hear it.look for the one called little martha,my version. its on my 3rd page of videos,you have to go to my page scroll down to my videos, hit the link that says view all, then go to page 3 of my videos yep. thanks again.
  • Hey Man nice place you have here I see you have been very busy.... Cool...
  • I think of comment wall stuff is mostly "social", where the discussion stuff is likely to be more "informational" -- really a matter of opinion, likely.
  • Hi Corey,
    Thank you for the friend invite.
  • I agree with Diamondback. Double length not depth. Prolly would make the box harder to hold and thus play. I have seen double-boxes before and most all are double length (end-on-end). Haven't made one tho.

  • Howdy Corey! Welcome to the Nation!

    As to your double depth question, I would say it's true that it adds to the sound. I was thinking that somebody had tested this theory but when I found the picture it was double long not deep. Let me know how this turns out if you try it. I'm actually alittle interested myself. If you have anymore questions gimme a holler!

    Best wishes,
  • Hi Corey,
    I like the first one I made most of all and play it in preference to all my other "proper" guitars. I struck lucky on using the right thickness of wood for the neck pocket so the fretboard sits slightly higher than the top of the box meaning I can get a nice low string action. Added to that I use 8 gauge strings which are real easy on the fingers. The Dimaggio minihumbucker sounds great through an anp and is coil tapped for series/parallel via a push/pull volume pot.
    Each time I make a box guitar I try something different either with the style/finishing or the electrics - next will be a 10 string or a mandolin box guitar I think, also I am keen to try the paint flip effect you can get on cars (where the colour changes depending upon the viewing angle).
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