
U.J. Relic three.
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  • Thanks, Steven!

  • Nice picture, sunlight and shadows. Inspires song writing.

  • Thanks, friends. Two sets of tracks here. The main Union Pacific east - west line. The other track has concrete ties.
  • Great guit n pic
  • Very cool Unc! Got that ol' time feel, you captured it well bro. And Merry Christmas to you. -Glenn

  • Looks like someones been stealing the spikes to use as CBG Bridges ??  :-D

  • Knock in those spikes Uncle. Your guit looks great on the tracks. I didn’t know you did tracks?
  • Nice relic, Uncle!

  • Thanks, Poorness. Just got the git done. Needs the nut lowered and a bit more. But strumming it put me in a playing mood and brought back a song I wrote a few years ago.
  • A rustic git laying on the tracks... so CBN. :-D

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