Mansfield, OH
How did you learn about Cigar Box Nation?
How many instruments have you built so far?
What do you find most interesting about cigar box guitars? (If you do not enter at least one meaningful sentence, your membership may be rejected as a spam/bot fake account).
Fun way to spend time and for making music.
I came across this great picker/singer a couple of weeks ago and man, what guitar skills. New generation bluegrass. Does the old school justice too. Here is a great example in concert Billy Strings Live in Pittsburgh
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salut derec bonne année
6 cordes ou 4 cordes
lequel tu sens mieux
je vois que tu es toujours sur la route du blues
c'est cool , moi je m'étais perdu et puis la période covid ce qui m'a fait quitter paris prendre la retraite et je suis retourner sur l'ile de la réunion ou je suis né , et je reprends la rote là ou je m'étais perdu j'espère pouvoir apprécier de nouveau tes vidéos et profiter de tes bons conseils
Congrats on your retirement Derek ! may you and the Misses enjoy it to the fullest and may your day's be long and plenty!, see that you get all your pensioens payments in order ,create a callamety reserve and live life to the max ! Glory Day's are a comming ! Friend ! No ! Black Hole, thats is something from a vinyl record ! two day's and how does it agree whit you?Kind Greeetszz A.D.
Hi there Derek long time no hear from the Baladier ! thanks alot Derek verry kind comments ,to bad its so but when we know about it we can do something about it ! how are You did you stop the adventura and back in the dayJob ! hope you and the missis are allright ! Thanks again love to hear ! Greeeeettsszz A.D.
I’m not sure why that didn’t happen until today! It’s not like we haven’t been communicating. Uncle John and Kale have already gotten back to me on the 1st CallyFest Zoom Jam idea. I want to hear your thoughts before I move forward.
Derek, For some strange reason you are not on my friends list. I sent this same message to Uncle John and Kale.
Uncle John, Kale, and Derek
I would like to see if you are interested in cohosting with me the 1st CallyFest Zoom Jam for Cigar Box Nation Enthusiasts: An event on the long bare CBN calendar that people could actually show up to and participate in!!!
The three of you each have a solid following on CBN, sing well, and play consistent rhythm: perfect for leading others in a jam! It would give us the opportunity to hang out together with other CBN enthusiasts and connect at a whole new level.
We could use songs from the Slingers 250+ song, GDG, 1-finger songbook. Each of us choose 3 or 4 songs (Sweet Sixteen?) to lead. The Slingers normally do 15-16 songs in 60-75 minutes. I can create a downloadable play along songbook in the order we do the songs just like I do for the Slingers every week. I also have some ideas for some interaction with the participants. I would record the session and could break out the songs to post to CBN and/or the entire jam (I’m sure Kale could do a more creative job post processing the Zoom recording if he wants to).
If you are game for the challenge, please let me know soon. We need to pick a date and time for the jam and choose the songs. We can also do a brief prejam Zoom, meeting to make sure we have everything figured out on our end.
What do you say guys?
Hi Derek, thanks for the comment !
Hi there Derek ! And thanks for the kind comments on the play ! appriciated !
Cheers, Derek! Nice to see you here. I always enjoy your CB-related posts and amazing playing and building skills. See you around one of these days.
Yep Burning Hot scorchers ,and now dripping & drizzling but that probebly wha the call it the LOW Lands ! thanks for the like there Derek ! appriciated!
Thanks Derek ! for the likes on the Posters ! appriciated !