6 String Cigar Box Guitar demo - mini humbucker pickup

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Here are some sound samples of a cigar box guitar I just completed building with a nice large Arturo Fuente cigar box and a recycled electric guitar neck. It...

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  • Hi Taffy,

    I like your thinking! That makes good sense as the boxes are typically reclaimed like you said. It does take a lot of time to make a six string neck and I don't seem to have the patience for that anymore LOL :)  Now that I think about it, the salvaged 12 string acoustic neck/ silverware box guitars is one of my faves of my own to play.

    Good topic

    Best regards,


  • Hi Derek, I have built many six-string box guitars, and I prefer to play them over a 3 or 4 string.
    Even though my best-sounding and looking box guitar is built using quality tonewoods, I still used a reclaimed six-string neck. Modified of course.

    The cost of making a custom neck, I feel, would make that guitar overpriced, so for sixes I always reclaim necks. They could be electric bolt-on, nylon, or steel dovetailed fitting types with a heal. There's always a way to fit them, but the surgery can be challenging. We like challenges... don't we.

    If the guitar body is recycled, then why not the neck.
    Cheers Taff

  • Thank you very much, Alan. I will never catch up to you or Taffy in quantity or craftsmanship!

  • Thank you for the kind comments Doug!

  • Thank you, Kale. My friend at the music store is happy with it. I have made nearly as many 6 strings as 3's and 4's, since it seems most people around here in Ohio, including my friends, mostly seem to prefer 6's. Have had more than a few say they can't play 3 and 4 strings, but they don't really seem interested in trying and I don't have the will anymore to convert them LOL. I think they like playing the riffs and chords they already know. They must not be as adventurous as us cbg fanatics. My favorite is 4 strings for a cbg and have gifted, traded or sold all my 6 string cbg's.

  • Thank you, John, much appreciated.

  • Thank you, Andries! I cheated on this one, it's a lightly used neck from a "Lyon by Washburn" strat. A friend gave me a few used necks. The hard tail bridge made it easy to intonate, felt like I cheated there too. It's a Snake Oil mini humbucker from Gitty and I like the sound of it. :) 

  • Thank you, Taffy. I always feel guilty using a factory neck since most of the 6 strings I have made the necks. My friend who manages one of the local music stores has been kind enough to give me a few salvaged necks and he sells my 6'ers faster than the 3's and 4's. 

  • "Sweet Build Derek"  :-)

  • Fine looking build and superb playing to accompany it! Thanks for sharing Derek.

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