So I built a jig to cut neck and head stock scarf joints on my radial arm saw like tye one I saw on Pual Meros Junkpile Guitars YouTube channel. My problem is my blade isn't up to the task. It seems to cut crooked toward the bottom 1/3rd of the cut.
For those interested in such things, here's a PDF file of an electric side bending iron I put together a while back. Right click on the PDF file and select Save Link As.. to download. Enjoy!
Here's a fret jig I made out of plexi. I can position the grain pattern just where I want it or in this case I had a scarf joint to hide, bet ya can't find it. The saw is a Harbor Freight flush cut saw with a stop glued to it so I get the perfect dep's ok, i'm not losing my sanity, though one aspect of my builds has been a hard nut to crack - that is, the humble "nut" - the one you glue into the neck/headstock assembly, be it bolt, bone or wood, this little detail can adversely affect the
When I first started making CBGs, I only made neck thrus. Since the box rides the neck, there is little to no need to brace the box. Now, I almost exclusively build fender style pocket necks where then neck attaches to
Acting on a tip given on the ukulele underground in an old thread I got onto ebay and looked up how much a Diamond coated core drill bit would set me back
Saw a set described as "3mm ( 1/8" ) to 12mm ( 1/2" ) Diamond coated drill bit hole saw core dr
I made this neck clamp with a broken two screw wood clamp (actually works better in this case ) a saw guide for fretting and a pickup winder I made. not shown is a 30" t square drilled with small holes for 5 fret scales. Neck clamp has one side scre
A small off cut, a worn screwdriver bit Three 8mm holes in a row - the middle one all the way through the outside ones 10mm deep, a bit of chiselling and whittling a bit of superglue and bicarb to fix the bit in
This is a real simple thing, a small platform raised off the main bench with a 6" pipe nipple and flanges. It is just a bit bigger than the boxes I work on. It gives a flat surface that can be clamped down from a couple of different sides.
I have been making my own boxes with solid wood. The boxes are about 8" x 10" and the tops are 1/8" thick. My saw will only cut 2 1/2" thick so I have to glue pieces together. This is the frame I used. I put wax paper on each side of the wood to k
When I was leveling frets my guitar would slide around a lot which was scratching the back of the box. I put it in my bench vise to hold it steady, but the angle was awkward and if I wanted to turn the instrument around to face the opposite way, I co
Recently I have become a fan of hot hide glue. Making my own boxes got me started using hide glue and the more I have used it the more I want to use it. In my work on pianos I find that I have need of a lot of different kinds of glues and each one
Anyone doing this? I just got some plexi to make a bunch of jigs and want to make one to slot fretboards on my bandsaw. Biggest problem I have is kerf slot - my blades cut a .025 slot which is just a bit too wide to hold the frets secure. Anyone k
Picked up an antique spoke shave at the flea market to use for shaping necks. Needs more sharpening but seems like it is going to be very satisfying to use. I'm mostly using hand tools only since we moved to MA. I like being more "in touch" with the
John suggested I post this jig in "Special Tools" so here it is. Its just two pieces of wood joined by two hinges (?) and two brackets* to hold the Dremel. The cut off whell is a diamond coated 1.5" one. The bottle rests between two pieces of metal g
Hey yall !
I gota question.
Does anybody remember those old black and deker drill press stands that you put a hand drill in and used it as a drill press ?
If yall do, does anybody know how you could make one at home u know a diy type plan.
Hi all, I just finished fretting a neck and I thought I would share one of my favorite tools with you guys and gals.
It is pretty self explanatory, a 6" piece of 2x3 with a 35-45 degree cut and a file jammed into it.
(See Attatchments)