Whats the Ugliest part of your body A D Eker 2017

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In a worry about Man's Sanity after the Manchester Attack, a old Zappa Tune Came to Mind, are they only in it for the Money? or the Virgins? In the Tradition...

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  • Cool cover Andries. Sliding sounds good and nice vocals for this little tune.

  • 306621322?profile=originalThat was cool Andries loved the Zap~~~~~MeowMeowMeow^..^

  • Thanks Everyone Glad you all have a love for Frank, he is mist, run in to Joe from the Old Garage the Other day, and he told me that the Peatches  are Regelia, and that chunga got his Revenge, althow Willie the Pimp got a little Dutch vibe Greeeeeetssszz Youall ,and don't let Uncle Meat do you in! be reading youall JIM,James,JIM T, Wes, John,Grandpa ! Call any Vegetable and the chances are Good!


  • Nice stuff, Andries. Luv to Frank. I think it's time for me to get workin' on my Mudshark video! Wowie Zowie!

  • :)

  • 306622168?profile=original

  • Oh I have so many parts to choose from don't know;  Mine is beautiful I Think Nice play something to think about

  • I enjoyed this even though I have a beautiful mind!

  • 306618267?profile=original

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