one string fretless guitar (spoontar)

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handmade homemade one string fretless electric guitar and handmade guitar pickup

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  • So fine.  Amazing!

  • Stir it up!

  • Wow! I agree with Uncle , expected something small and fast like chipmunks! That's an idea for starter guitars for young and old alike. Looks like toy, plays like the real deal! Great way to introduce someone to building and playing. Nice playing Elio!
  • Impressive sound.

  • Thanks Uncle. But shipment would be cheap small dimension small expense!

  • Cool spoon!
  • Ha, HA!   I did not expect that.   Size doesn't matter.  

    Elio on the videos that failed - go to 'options' above the video and you can delete them.

    Nice shirt.

  • And three! Sorry I could not upload the video. I do not know what effects this guy has in the ampli, but I have to say that the effect is strong! CBGitty can start selling a minestrone spoon kit!

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